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Cobanov Dev Biography, Instagram: Everything You Need to Know About it

Data Scientist and Generative Artist

Do you know Cobanov Dev is the biggest data science and art expert. It is passionate about bridging the realms of data science and art, and thrives on sharing knowledge and fostering community engagement. As a data scientist and creative artist, he committed to providing free education in data science and machine learning through his active presence on Twitter and YouTube channels.

Educator and Mentor

Does Cobanov Dev devote a significant portion of his time each year to teaching in various schools and communities. Yes he is. It’s main goal is to empower individuals with the skills and insights needed. To navigate the ever changing landscape of data science.

Creative projects in Refik Anadol Studio

Currently, He serves as a data scientist at Refik Anadol Studio, working with an exceptional team to produce outstanding artistic endeavors. Their mission revolves around digitizing the memories of humanity to immortalize them through captivating digital art.

Software Developer Advocate

It takes immense satisfaction from creating minimal tools that make the lives of software developers easier. Building end-to-end pipelines is not just a job but a passion, enabling it to drive innovation and efficiency in every project it undertakes.

AI artistic efforts

One of the biggest sources of inspiration for Cobanov Dev is in AI powered artistic painting works. Exploring the intersection of technology and creativity, It undertakes projects that push the boundaries of traditional art forms harnessing. The power of artificial intelligence to create immersive visual experiences.

Preservation of memories

Inatead of his artistic pursuits, he is deeply involved in the digitization and restoration of old video tapes. Through a complex process, it breathes new life into vintage recordings.This converting them into high-resolution, high-frame-rate formats for future generations to enjoy.

Cobanov Dev Instagram

Now in this present time everyone follow Cobanov Dev on Instagram. He has 33 posts on Instagram account. Cobanov Dev follow 557 following and 7014 followers on Instagram. He is great data scientists. If you want more information about Cobanov Dev then keep in touch with this site, you can see his account of Instagram @cobanovart.

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