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Duchess Priscilla Sparks Controversy with Viral Video

Duchess Priscilla Sparks

Duchess Priscilla Sparks, whose genuine name is Priscilla Saidu, reputed to be the ex of well-known skit maker Broda Shaggi, has worked up the discussion by sharing a video of herself celebrating with Davido’s promotion man, Unique Spesh. This follows Spesh’s refusal of romantic contribution to Priscilla, especially in regards to a confidential experience.

Controversy with Viral Video

The video, which immediately became a web sensation, shows Priscilla and Spesh partaking in a night out at an undisclosed club, starting a controversy about their relationship. The clasp’s subtitle indicates a previous association between the two, leaving fans curious about the real essence of their bond.

Social media

Priscilla, a Nigerian escort situated in Canada, has been vocal about her experience with Spesh, guaranteeing that he would not pay her after they dozed together. She took to social media to share her dissatisfaction, expressing, “I slept with Spesh and he refused to pay me,” and added that she “disgraced him in all the night clubs.”

This disclosure has touched off a discussion on the web. Some help Priscilla support herself, while others reprimand her for her activities, such as chasing or manipulation.

Broda Shaggi

Broda Shaggi, who has to a great extent stayed quiet with regards to this issue, presently can’t seem to remark. In the meantime, the debate has ignited more extensive conversations about connections, power elements, and the treatment of ladies in media outlets.

As the story unfolds, questions stay about the ramifications for all included. Will there be lawful repercussions? Will this occurrence influence their vocations? Just time will uncover the responses.

Duchess Priscilla Sparks Social Media

Tiktok link :

Duchesspriscilla (@duchesspriscilla)’s videos with Jijo Pocoo


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