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Jairo y la niña video viral : Is it real? this is what is known

All about Jairo y la niña video viral

In Honduras, the video of infidelity in the act itself became viral and now all over the world. A woman who already had suspicions that her husband was cheating on her. Listened to her instincts and followed him, discovering him with a woman inside a car having relations.

The wife recorded it and everything recorded, including what her lover told her. “That’s how I wanted to find you, you damn degenerate. Aren’t you ashamed, aren’t you ashamed? Disgusting people show their degenerated faces. A girl is doing this, Jairo is with a girl. Show your degenerate face, I’m going to denounce you for being a scoundrel. That’s how I wanted to find you, I knew the day would come. What do you have to tell me about the girl, who is without shoes, without underwear?”, the deceived woman is heard.

However, the man got out of the car to prevent his wife from recording it. Which was really unsuccessful, because it is seen in the record anyway.

“I’m a minor, I’m a girl, ma’am, please respect me, ma’am, if you upload this online. I’m going to report you,” the woman told her, who was naked from the waist down and who insisted that she was a minor. For this same reason it is impossible to publish the video of the event.

“Her husband is looking for me, let me go, you have no right to grab me like that,” the supposed teenager insisted, while she covered her face.

“How disgusting,” “They are scoundrels,” continued the wife, who could not believe what her eyes were seeing. While at the end of the Jairo y la niña video viral you can see that the man shows his face, but without saying anything.

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