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Legendary Singer Sidhu Moose Wala Parents Welcome Baby Boy, Father Shares Photo

The baby was born in the house of singer Sidhu Moose Wala

On 17 March 2024, Sidhu Muswala’s mother and father, Balkur Singh and Charan Kaur, overjoyed as a new baby was born to them. This made his family and the people of his village happy again after being sad about Sidhu Musawala.

What did Sidhu Moose Wala’s father share?

Sidhu’s father has shared a picture in which he is holding the baby in his arms. Right behind it was a picture of Sidhu Moose Wala. Everyone who saw it stunned. Let us tell you that Sidhu’s father has shared this picture on his Instagram account. A very famous singer from Punjab Sidhu Moswala died in the year 2022, while he was driving his black car, someone fired 30 bullets at him and he died.

How many bullets were hit on the body of Sidhu Mosewala

There are 24 bullets in Sidhu Moose Wala’s body.

What is Sidhu Mosse Wala’s mother’s age?

Sidhu Mosse Wala’s mother is 58 years old. She gave birth at the age of 58. We inform you that a baby has been born through IVF technology.

What is Sidhu Mosse Wala’s brother’s name?

Sidhu Mosse Wala’s parents have not yet revealed their brother’s name to anyone. Sidhu Musawala fans are very excited to know what will be his brother’s name.

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